"So, you have a dream. You want to achieve something. You want to achieve something that means a great deal to you. But you can’t. It just isn’t happening. So you get frustrated or upset. Or depressed. Because you can’t achieve your goal. It’s too hard, or too costly, or it’s taking too long, or it looks like it’s impossible. It just isn’t happening.
You are thwarted, stuck, unable to proceed, unable to succeed.
So do you give up? Quit? You could. You could give up, you could quit. It’s certainly easier than continuing to struggle. Do you give up your heart’s desire and settle for whatever (or whomever) you can get? You could. Giving up is easier. Quitting is easier. But if you give up now you will be a quitter. A loser. And you don’t want to be a loser. NOBODY wants to be a loser!
So, what do you do? What do you do now?
You don’t give up, you try again. One more time. Why will this time be any different? Because this time you are going to increase your odds of winning. This time you are going to Step It Up! Step it up? How do you step it up? You start by reading this book. This book can make you stronger, can help you remove or overcome the obstacles in your way, and can help you get what you really want.
This book is going to motivate you, inspire you, and show you how to Step It Up--and move closer to your goal. Read it. Do it. Live it.
"You have to want to achieve your goal. You have to want it. Really want it. You have to want success. Achieving your goal, making your dream come true, is often difficult, very difficult. You have to really want it. How much do you want it? DO you really want it?
I didn’t hear you. Say it out loud. “I WANT it!” Say it again. “I WANT it!” Say it until it sounds 100% convincing.
And, if you DO really want to achieve your goal, to make your dream come true, you have to believe that you deserve it. You have to feel that you are worthy of achieving your goal, whatever that goal is.
People who have low self-esteem, people who lack confidence, people who believe they don’t deserve the “goodies” of life or don’t believe that they deserve to achieve their goal, don’t believe that they deserve to make their dream come true, often fail. Why? They tend to either not get started or they give up in the face of obstacles. Big obstacles or small obstacles. One of the main reasons people fail, or don’t even get started, is that they don’t feel they deserve their heart’s desire. They even have excuses: “I’m not good enough” or attractive enough or smart enough or tall enough or talented enough or not special enough or don’t deserve anything good or … whatever. Excuses. THERE ARE NO EXCUSES! None.
Self-doubt is a dream killer. Sure, everybody doubts themselves when faced with failure. But the winners take a deep breath, re-energize themselves and move forward anyway. Why? Because they want it. And because they deserve it. Do you?
Have you lost your confidence? Have you given up? On the verge of giving up? Here’s a simple little thing to help you find your way again:
Say “I deserve it”.
I didn’t hear you. Say it out loud. Say “I deserve it”. Louder.
Say it again. “I deserve it”
Keep saying it until you FEEL it. Until you BELIEVE it.
Don’t stop until you do.
Feel re-energized? Feel the unstoppable power within you? N-o-w you are ready to proceed again. N-o-w you are ready once again to make your dream come true. N-o-w you are ready to Step It Up -- and succeed."
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